About us

Who We Are

We believe there’s a better way for consumers to find the right Medicare Plan.

At Medicarelism, we’re focused on one thing: Medicare. We know it back to front, which means we also know it can be complicated, confusing, and overwhelming. That’s why we’re committed to “de-complexifying” it for customers across the country, one-by-one. We match each customer with the right plan at the right place to deliver better health and peace of mind.

Our highly experienced agents pride themselves on treating our customers with deep expertise and genuine empathy, truly understanding the person beyond the plan. They take the time to really listen and get to know our customers, so we can tailor solutions for each of them, one at a time, every time. No wonder we continue to grow year after year, gaining and retaining loyal customers.

Ready? Here is how it works...

Whether you're making Medicare decisions for the first time, or you're enrolled and looking for better coverage, we're here for you.

It's Fast

Tell us a bit about you.

It's easy

Human experts, plus powerful technology, will help you along

It's Free

It's completely FREE. No-cost or obligation to enroll